Tag: evangelical

  • Making the Bible Accessible

    “The Bible isn’t for people outside of the church to understand. So it isn’t your place to make the Gospel accessible.“ That may be the dumbest quote I’ve ever heard in relation to using sound missiological principles to reach a dead and dying people group. And yet, this quote apparently came from the mouths of…

  • The Personal Preference Sin

    I’d like to talk to some people about a rabid sin running rampant and unchecked throughout the American Evangelical church. Maybe if you’re reading this today I’m meant to talk to you. This is, I believe, one of Satan’s most powerful devices for separating our people. And yet, this sin runs so deep and is…

  • The Evangelical Swing Vote

    This is essentially what I’ve been saying since February 2007. Evangelicals will be split by age in 08. Younger ones are more concerned about social issues and will go for Obama. Older ones will stay with the republican ticket even though they don’t like McCain. What’s your prediction? Don’t forget. I’m voting for Bush! HT…

  • The Evangelical Swing

    With just a few months left until the general election the talking heads are busy hypothesizing about minutia. Of course the truth is that both the McCain and Obama campaigns are largely on hiatus. They are fund raising and building networks while Americans enjoy the summer. I think the media is doing their best to…