Tag: purpose

  • Over-communicate with your leaders

    Over-communicate with your leaders

    Want to avoid confusion with your team? Communicate. Communicate. Communicate. I define a leader as someone who takes people somewhere they would otherwise not go on their own. All-too-often, as I look back on my life in leadership, my tendency is always to get a mile ahead of my team because I have under-communicated the…

  • You need clarity and focus

    Paul’s teacher has been on us for a few months to get his eyes checked out. She’d tell us, “He squints to see the board” or “He says he has to sit up front. I think he needs glasses.” I assumed, just like his big sister, that he’d need glasses eventually. Everyone in my family…

  • 4 Clarifying questions to begin my day

    Am I called to lead or to serve? Am I called to give or to receive? Am I called to prosper or to sacrifice? Am I called to endure or conquer?

  • What motivates people?

    Some stuff to chew on, right? How does this correlate to church leadership? We spend a lot of time talking about ownership. But I don’t hear a lot of talk about autonomy. Ultimately, church is just a closed system.

  • 3 Ways to Celebrate My Birthday

    So, today I  turn 34. Dang I am old. Here’s how long I’m going to lament about getting older. (One mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi.) That’s enough self-pity. I feel better now. Now back to being bossy. I’m not much of a birthday guy. I like other people’s birthdays. I love my children’s birthdays. But…

  • Desert Questions