The End

I sat down in 8A matter-of-factly. The doors closed on Southwest flight 561. We reached 10,000 feet, I put my headphones on, read a book for a bit, drank a Coke, and avoided small talk with a chatty passenger excited for vacation.

70 minutes later it was over. My 6th Southwest flight of the week in the books.

And not just a flight– my Fall. 5 events in 6 weeks. And a whole bunch of speaking engagements piggy-backed onto each of those. At one point I did my social media presentation something like 16 times in one week.

50 days of travel with only a few days at home between some of them. Nashville, Indianapolis, Paris, Seattle, Atlanta, Orlando, San Fransisco. (Among others) Rental cars, hotels, airplanes, restaurants, forgotten items, receipts, and names.

It was a blast. It was a blur.

So this week begins a final phase of 2014. Today begins resumption of normality. Routine, reorientation, recovery, and and endless pile of receipts.

Making Sense of It All

Screen Shot 2013-11-18 at 6.53.47 AMTechnically, I’m done with work travel for 2013. So it’s time for a round-up.

In reviewing my 2013 trips on Tripit I’ve done 74,519 miles. 92 days. 37 cities. 5 countries.

It doesn’t just feel like a lot, it is a lot. 25.2% of 2013 has been spent traveling. That’s leaves me 199 miles short of making 3 trips around the globe.

So while I’d like to say I can make sense of all of that, I can’t. I know that 2013 has been great by most forms of measurement. But I need to get away from it a bit more to start unpacking the experiences and finding meaning.


In the tiredness, in the mounting todo list undone, in the desperate desire to reconnect with the ones I love… I’m left with a deep feeling of gratitude. With 11/12ths of it in the bank, 2013 has been amazing.

I might not have found meaning in it. I might not have wrapped my head around it. But I know that the past 11 months have been great.

And 2014? Well… I did come up 199 miles short of circumnavigating the globe 3 times. So there’s that.






One response to “The End”

  1. For the Love of God Avatar

    As crazy as that sounds, I so want to be able to tell about this kind of adventure. Maybe one day. Thanks for allowing me to be part of the journey Adam.

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