When Teenagers Are Good News in My Neighborhood, Literally

Leaders take people where they would otherwise not go on their own.

I’m thankful for these young leaders, agentes de cambio, who are bringing to attention a problem in my neighborhood.

I’ve seen this problem and done nothing. If I’m honest, my favorite corner store is probably guilty of exactly what they are talking about. So I’m not just a guilty observer, I’m guilty by association.

Adults have a dependency problem when it comes to how we engage students. We are addicted to being in charge, of running our agenda, and defining what good news must be for them.

And we forget… The teenagers in our midst are often more capable, more bold, and more observant of the good news we need to see on our block.

The Gospel, the good news, is more than salvation. (see John 10:10)

Question: Is your work with teenagers coaching them as agentes de cambio in their neighborhood?






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