Defying Gravity in the Snow

It hasn’t snowed in San Diego since 1967. There’s never been a snow day called by the San Diego schools. Ever. 

So it’s a little hard to imagine the vast amounts of snow and wintery wildness our friends on the east coast have been coping with. Around here? Well, up until yesterday it was unseasonably warm. Santa Ana winds had us in the 80s! 

I don’t know what that has to do with anything… but here’s a few snow-related videos about defying gravity… or not defying gravity.

World Record Breaking Ski Jump – 250m (820 ft)

This guy caused and was rescued from an avalanche in 90 seconds

This snowmobiler goes for the ride of his life… down a mountain

Photo credit: Grand Tetons Fall Snow by fortherock via Flickr (Creative Commons)






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