Category: management

  • Two San Diego State Universities: The Power of Winning

    Two San Diego State Universities: The Power of Winning

    I’m new to State. I moved into the College Area in 2008 and quickly adopted them. I’m not an alumni. I didn’t grow up in San Diego. They are just the school that’s near my house and I enjoy going to football and basketball games.

  • The Machine & The Magician: What you need to know about distraction

    I’ve been learning a lot about the creative process lately. Like you, so much of my life is built around the concept that sometimes I need to be highly productive and other times I need to be highly creative. But, at all times, my work is best when it is both on time and creatively…

  • Celebrating some vision victories

    It’s good to reflect and celebrate vision victories. Vision victories are your organizations aspirations you’ve put into action. And not just set into motion or tried but really done. The Double Start-up I was afraid of self-employment. I was afraid that I wouldn’t be able to handle the pressure, paperwork, and realities of being a…

  • Going 3 million miles

    “I have a feeling I’ll be dead long before the car.” ~ Irvin Gordon Mr. Gordon has put almost 3 million miles on his 1966 Volvo. The average person drives a car 15,000 miles per year around where they live.  At that rate Gordon has driven his car 200 years. According to my calculator Mr. Gordon…

  • Proactive vs. Reactive

    The past year or so has taught me all new levels of being proactive that I’d never needed to be before.  Shipping orders for our store, tracking packages, and making adjustments to our shipping rates to keep up with USPS. Um, getting people to buy stuff from said store means that I have to order…

  • The Realistic Truth of Chasing Dreams

    I’m chasing a dream.  And,  to be perfectly blunt, dream chasing is more fun at 36 years old than it was at 18 years old. Hard work pays off As long as it’s hard work towards your dreams, that is. In June of 1994 I worked 14-18 hours per day, 7 days per week. It…

  • Go real fast!

    There’s a lot of talk about “balance” and “boundaries” and all sorts of phrases like that. I’m always interested when I hear this in Christian circles because the men and women of the New Testament were incredibly out of balance and the very reason Christianity spread was because it refused to have boundaries. But I…

  • Giant slayer

    I can’t speak for you. But for me– there are some giants on my radar to slay.  I could be introspective and talk about the giants I overcome in the inches between my ears. But if I’m honest, there are some very real giants out there for me to slay. Big, ugly, hairy, scary ones…

  • American Airlines CEO quits on moral grounds

    American Airlines, once the largest airline in the United States, declared bankruptcy. This is not surprising news for the beleaguered airline industry; what is different is what is emerging from the wreckage. Gerard J. Arpey, American’s chief executive officer and chairman, resigned and stepped away with no severance package and nearly worthless stock holdings. He split…

  • Playing Up

    In sports, playing up is a core skill to improving your game.  I remember as a student at Moody Bible Institute, watching scrub players play pick-up basketball with visiting NBA players. The scrub played better basketball because of the NBA players. They made shots they didn’t normally make. They played better defense. They saw the…