Category: Open

  • Open is the Wild West of Youth Ministry events

    Open is the Wild West of Youth Ministry events

    Someone: “How is Open going?” Me: “It’s all the things. Quirky, weird, amazing, frustrating, growing, dying, changing, finding a rhythm… I feel like I don’t know how it’s going and I know exactly how it is going at the same time.” Someone: “Sounds about right.” Open, by it’s very definition, is the Wild West of Youth…

  • Why are we investing in Open?

    Why are we investing in Open?

    This weekend was our first Open event of the season, Open Denver. In two weeks I’ll go up to Vancouver. Then in late October we’re hosting two Open events on the same weekend, one in Seattle and the other in Paris. (Both cities have towers as their landmark, I’ll let you guess which one Kristen…

  • Meet Me at Open Boston

    Open Boston is just a month from today! If you aren’t familiar with what Open is all about, check out the manifesto or talks from previous ones.

  • I loved Open Paris

    Statement of the obvious post title, right? I mean… Open Paris was kind of my baby. So of course I loved it. But I mean that from a bigger perspective, too. I mean that I literally loved Open Paris. In so many ways its exactly what is needed in youth ministry. Risky, collaborative, relational, vision-casting,…

  • Photos from Open Paris

    When we launched Open last year we knew that we wanted to be in world class cities. Cities significant culturally. But also cities deep in post-Christian realities. Seattle. Boston. And now Paris. Here’s a few images from our first day in Paris. We flew from 10:00 AM Wednesday until 11:00 AM Thursday. So of course…

  • Why I’m Investing in Frontline Innovation

    In the past few weeks I’ve invested a ton of my energy in Open. Open is a series of open-source-styled youth ministry training events that I dreamt about for nearly 2 years and was finally able to launch last Fall. When we launched it we quickly learned that it wasn’t just a dream I had……

  • Open YM – It’s Gaining Momentum

    Open, a movement celebrating new ideas in youth ministry, is growing up and taking shape. Technically, it is growing up by not taking shape.  Last year we alpha tested two locations, Seattle & Boston. This coming year? We’re beta testing  at least three additional new confirmed locations: Paris, Bay Area, and Grand Rapids… and a couple…

  • Photos from Boston

    Stating the obvious… we are thrilled that Open Boston was last weekend and not this weekend. (Blizzard) 

  • Open Boston and the Weekend That Was

    Oh yeah, Open is really cool.  It’s crazy. Life comes at you a million miles per hour sometimes. With the holidays and my trip to Africa I didn’t have a lot of mental space to get excited for Open Boston. It was one of those things where I was pumped about it in a cognitive…