Category: Social Action

  • Help Haiti: Education

    This is Pastor Wilnord. We got to know Wilnard and his ministry while in Carrefour last month. If you are interested in helping fund the school in Wilnard’s church or perhaps your church (Or a group of Christian educators, or any combination) is interested in adopting this school to help pay the teachers, provide uniforms…

  • Social Currency

    “Why don’t they just fix it themselves?” If I had a dollar for every time someone said that to me about the people of Haiti I wouldn’t be $1700 short in my fundraising! There are a few answers to that question. At least from my über limited perspective. Haiti is so poor that they just…

  • Innovating with an established ecosystem

    Starting a new organization is an entirely different task than innovating to change an existing organization. Both are hard. But changing and existing organization is way harder. For most of my career I’ve been in turnaround roles. Kristen and I have a little joke… My entire adult work life has seemed like one roller coaster…

  • Steps of Justice

    Kristen and I are making friends with Phil and Amy Cunningham of Youth with a Mission. Lars Rood kept telling me, “You need to meet Phil and Amy, you’ll love them.” Lars even took the first step and set up a dinner where we could all get together. He was right. It’s not hard making…

  • Church Leaders Love Status Quo

    Yesterday, a friend of mine sent me a link to a blog post by John Ortberg, a very successful author and pastor in the Bay Area of California. The blog post is titled, “Stop Trying to Change the World” and is aimed at people like me and you. Ultimately, we’re not the ones in the…

  • Facilitating Independence

    Strong opinion warning. I’m not a fan of adult children living at home. It’s one thing if you’re on break from school and you’re a temporary visitor. It’s another thing when you’re able bodied. I’d even argue that the best thing for 18 year olds staying local for community college would be to kick them…

  • Church vs. Government

    Have you noticed that a lot of Christians are exhibiting a hatred for our government? I just don’t get it. For those who are mad about the latest government program… (yesterday it was social security, today it is health care, tomorrow it will be something else.) Just some friendly reminders Anger isn’t the answer, it…

  • The Future of Food

    Tonight I watched the film above, The Future of Food. You can watch the whole thing, for free, on Hulu. (Or here on my blog if you so chose) You can learn more about how corporations are trying to run [ruin] the food supply at The Future of Food website. Another great movie covering more…

  • Ephesians 5:14 and You

    “Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” Ephesians 5:14 I first memorized Ephesians 5 with Kristen in 1995. We were dating and we had discovered that memorizing Scripture together was a way to channel our, um, energy for one another. It worked! This passage of Scripture has been…

  • The Bible is Dangerous, But are You?

    This message by Francis Chan will mess with you. A trip to a third world country, in my case Haiti, will show you just how much syncretism we practice in America. Here are some of the gods we mix with our faith. – The safety god – The comfort god – The performance god –…