I was listening to a radio program this morning asking people to call in if they were virgins when they got married. Interestingly, they were surprised how many people called in to tell them that they really had been virgins when they got married. The hosts were shocked into saying, "Wow, that’s really admirable."
There is a lot being said and written about the late 1990’s and early 2000’s push towards abstinence education. For the most part, these studies are saying that there isn’t much difference between the sexual behavior of students who make the pledges and those who don’t. I’ve heard all kinds of stories both positive and negative, particularly in Christian circles. (After all, imagine the damage that results when a student confuses their acceptance with God and their sexual purity? They assume that if they fail sexually that God doesn’t accept them anymore. That is flat out false! That would be a devastating "unspoken" lesson taught by church’s doing abstinence training.)
Why doesn’t Light Force do a virginity pledge? The simplest reason is that they don’t work. (Controversial statement #1) Why doesn’t Light Force ask parents to talk to their kids about making an abstinence pledge? This doesn’t work either. (Controversial statement #2)
My opinions are less controversial than they may seem at first blush. The reality is that an external pledge isn’t likely to change anything if there isn’t an internal pledge taken with the student. A student has to decide this for themselves. It has to become a value of theirs and not an emotional thing to respond at an event or a promise they make to their parents to please them. Both of those are easily shed in the heat of a moment. As I remind students often, "Sex is stronger and more powerful than you are."
An internal pledge (maybe symbolized by an external pledge, promise, piece of jewelry) is infinitely more valuable than an external promise. I think the primary difference I’ve seen with students who have waited and those who haven’t is something that happens inside of them. They decide and internalize that they are not going to have sex before marriage.
Interestingly, studies show that the difference between pre-marital sexual activity and no pre-marital sexual activity has little to do with a walk with Jesus. Christian teens are roughly "as likely" to engage in pre-marital sex as non-Christians.
Teen Pledges Barely Cut STD Rates
Study Finds that teen virginity pledges are rarely kept
"Virginity Pledges" by Adolescents May Bias Their Reports of Premarital Sex
Follow-up study done for Youth Fest
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