Category: hmm… thoughts

  • In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up. Their condemnation has long been hanging over them, and their destruction has not been sleeping. 2 Peter 2:3 False teachers. I mean, Jesus warned us about this. He told his disciples and they told their disciples that there would be days…

  • sabbath

    Yesterday in Sunday school I started off with a little devotional thought about the sabbath. I’m no legalist, and I don’t tend to believe that the Jewish laws of the Temple apply to Christians… so how do we or even should we use the sabbath. This is what I told my class. If God did…

  • MCREST McSuccess

    This week the people of our church have been providing transportation for Macomb County Rotating Emergency Shelter Team. (MCREST) Let me just say this, it has been incredible to see the helpers come out of the woodwork and pitch in. Last week as I was trying to fill slots, one member of our church said…

  • the problem in the emergent movement

    Let me state out front in case anyone is reading this: I am critiquing something I am seeing… not speaking against the emergent movement. Over the past few weeks and months there has been a bunch of downright attacks directed at people in the emergent movement about such issues as "are you teaching universalism" and…

  • The church as a birdfeeder?

    Yesterday, Megan and Paul went with me to Tractor Supply to buy some birdfeeders for our house. Did you know that they make these things in all sorts of shapes and sizes? I didn’t… and if these cool shaped ones weren’t so expensive we would have got one. (Yep, I’ve got a $10 limit on…

  • small faith in a BIG GOD

    "My God is so big, so strong, and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do…" Remember that song as a kid? I do. Call me silly or whatever… but I am dumb enough to believe it. But as I look around the scope of my fellow friends in ministry I wonder if they have…

  • Dedication

    If there is a complaint against this generation of middle/high school students it is that they tend to be apathetic. Over and over again from teachers, administrators, and people in youth ministry I hear the lament, "Students today just don’t care about anything." They are dead wrong. These students are passionate about some things, if…

  • why our church is better than most… i guess

    Todd, over at Monday Morning Insight recently had a post about Ty Pennington and his show, Extreme Makeover… really just doing the job of the church. [Read the post] As I thought about Todd’s post I thought… that is probably true of a lot of churches but it honestly isn’t true of my church. At…

  • escaping pragmatism

    I was just checking out a catalogue for Christian books when it hit me. Probably 99% of the books on the market in the Christian genre could be labeled either self help or reference. Sure, there is a small section for Christian fiction, and a few pages for kids books… but the vast majority of…

  • losing your mind

    "If I acted crazy, I did it for God; if I acted overly serious, I did it for you. Christ’s love has moved me to such extremes. His love has the first and last word in everything we do. Our firm decision is to work from this focused center: One man died for everyone. That…