Tag: community

  • The Community – Individual Continuum

    Theologically, we all know that you can’t experience the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus without community. Jesus invites us not to merely partake in communion but to live in communion with one another. (A throwback to the Garden of Eden) Sociologically, we live in society built around the individual. We live in single family…

  • Keep it simple

    Discipleship – One of the most straight-forward concepts in Christianity. Instead of keeping it simple we turn it into a complicated mess. How hard is it? A person comes to you and wants to grow in their relationship with Jesus. Cool, tell them to find a Bible, read the book of John, and lets meet…

  • Rejecting the rejection of community life

    In the mid-20th century architects like Mies van der Rohe envisioned simplicity and wholeness in urban centers. Into the chaos of the city their residential designs sought to bring wholeness and community. (For reference, see Upton Sinclair’s The Jungle.) They attempted to convince residents that an amazing community life could be had within just a…

  • You know you’re becoming presbyterian…

    … when you recognize the dive bar in the background image of a slide during the worship service and snicker with your friends at the newfound irony to the words. Certainly, the Tower Bar is a visual landmark in City Heights. It’s essentially a historic place in the city of San Diego. But it’s also…

  • Why you should watch SDSU vs. BYU on February 26th


  • Exit Strategy

    Over the weekend it was announced that the Huffington Post was selling to AOL for $315 million. The press release will reassure fans that the change in ownership won’t change the core of the business. But it will. The only party who really believes that nothing will change is AOL. From now on a line…

  • Let Grace be our language

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VS9_L7PjacU Is grace enough for you? Maybe I’m a cynic but I don’t think grace is a hallmark of a lot of Christians. We’re too busy having unrealistic expectations for one another and then wallowing in the disappointment of failed relationships. I’m too busy judging you for judging me for grace! Let’s get past this…

  • No more country clubs

    Quick facts Cumulatively, the American church is likely the largest private land owner in the country. Most zip codes contain at least one house of worship. In my zip code alone there are more than 30. In many communities around our nation the church occupies some of the prettiest property in town. It’s square footage…

  • Being Good News

    Today’s video post is a synopsis of about 10 conversations I’ve had in the last 60 days. All of them get to the question, “Adam, something has changed inside of you. I like it sometimes and I don’t like it sometimes, what is it?” One thing I’ve learned to get comfortable with in the last…

  • 5 Steps to Finding Family in Your Community

    Divorce. Single parenthood. Extended singlehood. Living away from home. Broken relationships. Loneliness. None of these are surprises. None of these are ideal. All of them are our reality and bond. All of them are (by design) normative in the body of Christ. (James Dobson’s ideals are great. But they aren’t our reality.) We are a…