Category: Uncategorized

  • picking fights

    Occasionally, my daughter will pick a fight with me. It’s kind of funny since she’s only 3, but she really does pick fights with me. Not the physical type, just what I call the “pissing contest.” She will try to get her way. Even though she will know fully that I have no intention on…

  • more than golf

    Golf, golf, golf. It seems like everywhere I look I am consumed by the game. Yesterday I played 18, then spent 2 more hours practicing. When I arrived home, I got a notice from the USGA about the upcoming qualifier. Also, I was invited to volunteer at next weeks Champions Tour event in Grand Rapids.…

  • the happy hooker

    Over the past year or so I’ve been a major hooker of the golf ball. It’s something that I’ve been working on but haven’t been able to solve. Here are the things that I did to help alleviate the hook. Particularily with the longer irons. Focus on the ball. (I tend to take my eyes…

  • waiting

    I hate to wait. It drives me insane when you are supposed to meet someone and they are late. It event makes me a little miffed if the person isn’t a little early for the meeting. Why? I could get all freudian and say it has to do with repressed anger at a parent or…

  • Another round

    Last night was pretty small, but a good youth group night. It’s kind of funny, but we played perhaps the simplest youth group game in the history of youth group, volleyball, and everyone loved it. What a reminder that the simplest way is often the best way. It was a pleasure and an honor to…

  • The legacy

    My goal in life right now is to better my golf game. Ultimately, I’d like to be a legitimate 5 or below handicapper. In the next few weeks I am working very hard to practice up for the US Amateur Public Links Qualifier here at the Orchards. I’ve entered the thing with no real hopes…

  • This is me in Canada last month 

  • Why I am starting this?

    Perhaps many people start a blog because they are trying to prove to the world just how smart they are? Perhaps others do it so they can feel like someone is listening to them? Perhaps others do it as a way to share what’s going on in their lives. But why am I doing this?…