Why I Don’t Have Haiti Fatigue

More than 3 months have passed since 200,000 people were killed and a million people were displaced in Port-au-Prince.

For a news item that’s an eternity ago. It’s just how we’re hardwired. We hear a news item, we are shocked by it, we do a fundraiser, we move on. And we want to block it out until late December of that year when our favorite news agency does “2010: A Year in Photos.

For lack of a better term I’ve been calling this “Haiti fatigue.” The news cycle has passed. People are thinking about economic recovery. Health care reform. Earthquakes in San Diego, Chile, and China. Larry King and Tiger Woods sex lives. iPads. On and on. Anything to distract ourselves from the good and bad that is happening just a few hundred miles south of Miami.

Talking about what’s happening in Haiti just isn’t that interesting to people any more. They are sick of it.

But I’m not fatigued.

I’ve not forgotten.

I’m praying about how to wake up those echoes. Stay tuned.






4 responses to “Why I Don’t Have Haiti Fatigue”

  1. Shawn Michael Shoup Avatar

    I have a couple of good friends that are going to be there to start a 24/7 missions/prayer base the same week we’re traveling the coast.

    I also have another friend that just came back from a medical missions trip there. Amazing stories of what God is still doing!

  2. Paula Herko Avatar

    the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake have not been forgotten by us at Stuph Clothing either… so many lives have been eternally impacted! We pray often for those still living with the feeling of desperation and confusion… for God to comfort them and truly give them a hope that only He can give! We are doing our part by providing meals for every shirt we sell here at Stuph. It is more than just a statement, it is a call to serve God’s people!

    Blessings to you Adam and the YS family… God can truly bring change to their lives!

  3. Aria Avatar

    so now it’s 2014. what have you been doing to help Haiti Mr. McLane?

  4. Adam McLane Avatar

    Check out the topic, Haiti. I’ve been back and brought people with me at least 1x per year. http://adammclane.com/category/haiti/

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