Making Sense of Social Media for People Who Don’t Get It

Is everything in the social space just wasting time?

To some people it is.

I know a lot of people for whom the whole thing doesn’t make any sense at all.

Their only justification is that social media is ultimately just a new form of marketing. Marketing a company. Marketing a product. Marketing a brand. Marketing yourself. Marketing marketing.

What the video is having fun with, and what some people don’t get about social media, is that it creates space for introverts to be extroverted. Introverts connect well via social media whereas extroverts feel a constant strain of “I don’t get it” and “why don’t we just get together in real life?

But for an extrovert, social media doesn’t make sense in exactly the same way a homecoming dance doesn’t make sense to an introvert.

This is just the beginning…

When Marko and I wrote about social media in our book, A Parent’s Guide to Understanding Social Media, we really fell in love with the “understanding” part. Because when we interacted with parents we could see that facts, practical advice, and trends didn’t make as much difference as actually understanding why their kids were attracted to social media, what it was doing for them, and how they felt about it.

For those who have read the book: What do you think of the introverted/extroverted hypothesis? 







One response to “Making Sense of Social Media for People Who Don’t Get It”

  1. Brandon Pachey Avatar
    Brandon Pachey

    Adam, I think your hypothesis is spot on. As an introvert, well a converted one, I see it all the time with all ages I know. Its the classic internet mentality, Im invincible behind the computer. My kids are introverts in the world of adults as teens, but get them behind the Facebook and its game on. My daughter who wont talk to anyone in her extrovert at home, introvert in public self has her own vLog on You Tube, of which I monitor very closeley.

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