Today is the day! About 4-5 months ago I was sitting in Dave Rahn’s Equipping Strategies class at Huntington when I realized that what I was experiencing there, we must experience at Romeo.
It wasn’t a fancy idea. It was life touching life stuff. I knew that at my church we had teachers who were passionate about teaching our children and adults, but who lacked drive and skills. I knew we had teachers who were burnt out and needed a break but didn’t know where it would come from, and I knew we had a church that was growing but in danger of outgrowing it’s Christian Education. As I sat in that classroom I decided I wanted to be a part of a massive turnaround that changed our church from an abusing teachers model to an equipping teachers model. In order to do that we had to turn a corner… We had to start pouring ourselves into teachers instead of using them until they quit. We needed to train more than teach.
So that is today! Beginning in just a couple of hours, a gaggle of teachers will be coming to Romeo for a morning of mini-training seminars. I’ve heard grumbling, I’ve heard people trying to get out of it… But I keep telling folks the same thing…”It’s not what you think it will be, it is the start of something that will hopefully transform our church to where we need to go.”
It’s been a lot of work to see this from that classroom until today. The bottom line is that I think it is worth it. I hope this is the beginning of a turnaround at Romeo. Sure, we’ve grown… But not by much. It’s my “great scheme” hope that trying to become an equipping church will help the people really believe that Romeo can be bigger than they are. We see God doing something here and we want to be a part of it… It’s started all over in tiny pockets and we want to see it spread. Training teachers to train others is a big part of it!
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