a couple of things

Tonight was Light Force’s first Concert of Prayer & Pizza night. We do this once a month to focus our attention on God and not us. For those who aren’t cool with that… we just ask them to focus on the pizza and participate as best as they can in the COP&P.

I am learning a valuable lesson about myself in ministry leadership. When you give away ownership of something, you need to let it take on a life of it’s own, even if it’s isn’t 100% what you would have done. As I think about tonight I realize that I had very, very little to do with the concept, design, or execution of tonight’s COP&P. I don’t think I provided any useful input to the worship team and I don’t think they really wanted my help. They prayed, studied, and did it. How cool is that? It’s worth saying again… On their own initiative, 3 students prayed, studied, and pulled off a great worship night… Leading their peers into the throneroom of heaven. Whoa.

I am taking Thursday off to work with my buddy Rich in hosting the Romeo District golf tournament. The weather is bad… Cold and rainy… I am glad I’ve drawn the card of putting together all the technical assistance for the thing and not acting as an observer or forecaddy person as in previous years. This is one of the few times in life I am glad I am good with computers!

Speaking of computers. As the office wing is now 98% complete, the new network interface is coming online later this week. We’ve replaced 100% of the wiring and hardware for our network. In the past 6 months almost every employee has a new workstation. We also have the capability of adding about 8-9 more permanent users without adding any wiring or hardware as well as a back-up wireless system. [Yes, I am setting the wireless up only as a back-up since I am still not satisfied with it’s reliability or speed. But I do like that it’s a cheap easy way to connect almost infinite amounts of people to our network!]

As for the house. My project list is still pretty fierce but I am managing to plug away at a few each day. Yesterday I installed a new foyer light, cut up the HAM radio antenna that was on our roof, and sanded the ceiling in our bedroom. Today I put the final coat of mud on the ceiling, sanded and caulked between the new ceiling and the old walls, and prepped the room for paint. Kristen has also been busy. In just a week she has managed to put away most of our stuff, clean out our old apartment, and begin winterizing the landscaping outside. Without Kristen this wouldn’t be any fun. I am so excited to see her getting her hands dirty and jumping into the work here.

Well, it’s midnight and I have to be at Romeo Golf Course at 7:00 AM.






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