I’ve had enough. The media has absolutely driven me to crazy with the hurricane coverage. As usual, they chose to pick on the political implications of things and miss the real story.
The read story on the gulf coast. It’s not about race, it’s not about the federal government or the state government… it’s about God and His people.
Let me be careful here. There are a lot of people out there saying “God judged the gulf coast and God did some good by destroying things there.” First off, that’s stupid any way you look at it. Socially, theologically, and practically. While God is sovereign over His creation we simply do not know if God judged the gulf coast. Secondly, the storm didn’t destroy New Orleans really bad areas. That theory is stupid and I’m not saying that at all.
Here’s what I mean about God being good. Theologically, I don’t agree with my title. God is never at His best since He is immutable… Unchanging and unchangeable. But what I mean is that God has been richly showing Himself to those effected. Take Mike for example.
Mike. We met Mike in a truck stop parking lot in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. He wasn’t seeking anyone out, but we started talking to him and he started to tell his story. He had lost everything. Living just 3 blocks from the ocean, he admitted that he didn’t take the warnings seriously and didn’t leave home. When the storm surge came they tried to wait it out before realizing that their house was going to flood to the roof. He put his daughter and his wife in a small boat and tied the boat to his son and himself. Somehow they made it to a nearby highway and safety. He had lost everything, but get this: He was praising God! He told us how his family had never been closer. They had nothing but they were rich. God had protected him, he knew it, and he decided right then to start living his life for God. As he told his story, tears welled up in my eyes. This man had nothing to his name… But was happy with what God was doing in his life!
There were a lot of stories like Mike’s in Mississippi. I don’t mean this to sound like I am belittle those who are suffering… Not at all. But I do think the story we can focus on right now is the tremendous things God is doing in the gulf coast area through His people.
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