the medium of storytelling

The concept of storytelling is all the rage in youth ministry these days. All of the really good youth speakers [read “expensive”] are great at drawing their students into the talk with a good story. In the emergent church movement storytelling has been chosen as the best mode of communication. Most point to a simple fact that “everyone loves a good story.”

True enough. Americans are enthralled with a good story. Better yet, they are enthralled with a good story of murder, outrage, distrust, disloyalty, counter-culture, cheating, getting caught, on and on. Nothing fuels a bored generation’s interest than a little controversy. It’s a he said, she said type of culture. We, especially Christians, love to talk about “what’s really going on.”

For me, it’s counter-PA to join into a trend. I hate going with the flow… Even when the flow is right I like to try to go against it. By very nature I am a non-conformist. Not on this one.

What Light Force is doing with Tell me your story is 100% trendy. Everyone who is anyone is doing it. For the next 9 months I’ll be teaching the book of Luke around the simple idea that it’s a story and asking my audience to join the story. I chose this book to teach primarily because it’s a 2 year story. Year one, Luke, is Jesus life story. Year two, Acts, is the early churches life story. I am so trendy!

I am excited about being trendy. Gosh, that might sound like I am out to please people with this one. Not true. I am excited about this teaching series because it is Christ-centered and student centered. Christ loves for his Word to be taught… And I am going to teach it. Students love to hear stories… And I am going to teach them the bible using stories. As I venture into this it seems like a win-win for everyone.

Lord, please bless this series. Use it for your glory and you fame. May your story live within my students and change their hearts to live passionately for you. Amen.






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