goodbye debt!

As of this moment, Kristen and I have no credit card debt. Incredible! I don’t even remember how we got in that mess to begin with. (8 years ago) But we are now out of it.

The only debt we currently have is “good debt” of our house. But that is a bigger project. Praise God for little victories like this. YES!






4 responses to “goodbye debt!”

  1. 'neice Avatar

    That is AWESOME!!!!

  2. relauncher Avatar

    Dude, that is so cool. What a neat teaching opportunity you have from your own life to model to others!

  3. Lady Skye Fyre Avatar
    Lady Skye Fyre


  4. Aaron Geist Avatar
    Aaron Geist

    Way to go! I remember when I payed off my credit card. If only we could pay off my wife’s card and our student loans. :0

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