Lemme share something amazing. I spent another “all Sunday” session with a former student doing work on my house. It leaves me thinking to myself… What is this all about? Am I on to something?
So far, 3 years into FT ministry, I’ve rarely been “successful” with guys. There are always guys in my group, I always invest in guys, guy stick around… But I’ve never felt like we were attractive to guys. All of “youth group growth” has come with ladies. Don’t know why, but it’s true.
So yesterday, we ran conduit in my back yard all afternoon and until 11:30 PM. It left me wondering… Is sharing my life like this, in essence pure masculinity, going to lead to more effectiveness in reaching men? I don’t know… I don’t worry about silly growth strategies… But it did make me wonder.
Long term effect: The conduit looks great. We’re not done yet, but it is going to add a lot of safety and value to our house.
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