more good stuff

I know I am starting to sound like a broken record, but things are going so well!

Last night we had a really nice time at the tailgate party and FREEZING cold football game. Let’s face it, it was a miracle that we made it to halftime. Just after the king and queen we announced… We took off. I took Paul with me to the game since he had such a great time the last time we tailgated. Well, he made it to kickoff and promptly fell asleep. It was 7:05 PM! I had to hold him and he got really, really heavy.

Even more “fun” is that a student spent the night at our house. This student has basically become a part of our family since she is here so much. If it weren’t for the difficulty this creates with the child protection policy… I wouldn’t care at all. But I also realize that our pseudo-adopting of her does create problems. Here’s my thing… the more I can share my life, the more that all the students know Kristen and I are for real. One thing that I am sure my students get… What they see on Wednesday and Sunday is what you get.

Today will be another busy work day at our house. I hope to re-stain the woodwork I bought last week and get that up on Monday. I hope that this means that the room will be 100% done.






One response to “more good stuff”

  1. Charlie (Tuna) Avatar
    Charlie (Tuna)

    Glad to hear you are investing your life in others; and that you have and are following a Child Protection Policy! They can cause hassles; but are infinitely worth it!

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