You know, I got this article forwarded to me today. And it really hacked me off.
For the past 6 months or so the staff has wondered if we were past stuff like this. Apparently fundamentalism is alive and well in the hearts and minds of people in our church… people I really like. It’s a tiny but loud minority.
Why I think we need to have a major change in our church
- I think fear [fundamentalisms only grasp on people] is holding us back from reaching our community for Christ.
- I think fundamentalism is a different gospel than I believe in. Most fundamentalist I’ve interacted with believe intellectually in grace and mercy… but don’t practice it practically.
- It frustrates me that articles like this are based on such crap journalism. Did they interview YS? I didn’t think so! The goal is fear-mongering instead of truth.
- We need to focus on the future instead of holding onto the recent past.
Here’s my plan, even though no one cares what I think… and since it’s my blog I can dream a little
- Make it known that we are distancing ourselves from fundamentalist. While we still love those who have gone before us, we’re past it and we aren’t looking back.
- Drop our name and pick up a cool name for our church. We’ll still honor the last 165 years, but the name should go back to it’s original name.
- Tell those who are holding on to grudges from years ago to get over it. The past is the past. Confess your sins and move on.
- Simply embrace the future… let go of what’s holding us back… and passionately and relevently move on. I want to see us be the oldest church plant in the world!
OK, got that off my chest. Now back to reality!
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