some nice feedback

Every once in a while you get something that makes you smile. I received this note from a student last night.

how long does it take you to put together a talk? i think that if i tried…it would take me forever and still wouldn’t end up half as good as you….thats probably one of the reasons why your the youth pastor and i’m not. so, something that i’ve noticed, is that your talks almost always have something to do with whats going on in my life. like if i’m struggling with something, or feeling a certain way, it seems like you always talk about it that week. so basically….your frickin sweet…go you.






6 responses to “some nice feedback”

  1. Morris Avatar

    I think you are very boring.

    Mr. Morris
    Ask Morris

  2. PA Avatar

    as long as we’re being honest, I think you are a pain in the ass. 🙂

  3. Susan Avatar

    what a nice note 🙂

  4. Brian Eberly Avatar
    Brian Eberly

    Messages like that make it all worth it! God is using you. Be blessed!

  5. Todd Porter Avatar
    Todd Porter

    i think your frickin’ sweet, too! LOL

  6. Charlie Tuna Avatar
    Charlie Tuna

    Those are the comments that go into a special “pick me up” file for days when you just need picking up!

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