The "I am the only gay in the village" complex

For those who have never seen Little Britain… buy it now or at the very least rent it. It’s worth the look. I was thinking about the character Daffyd today. On the show, Daffyd’s entire identity is tied into his being the only homosexual in his village. What is really funny about it is that, through the show, you learn that Daffyd really likes to identify with gay things and dress like a gay… But he is scared to death of living the actual life of a gay man. There are two funny and revealing observations that I think ring true with Christians.

1. Daffyd is not the only gay in the village and neither are you. I remember when I was in high school I had a complex that I was just about the only Christian in my high school of 1600. If I am honest with myself, I am also convinced that right now I am the only solid youth pastor in my town. Both are lies… I wasn’t the only Christian at my HS and I am not the only good youth guy in town. But the simple fact remains that a lot of my students have the same complex I had in high school. They feel alone, but are really surrounded by other Christians if they would just open their eyes!

2. Daffyd claims to be gay but is afraid to go through with it and so are many of us. It’s clear that the idea of having sex with a man scares the crap out of Daffyd. In the same way many Christians out there are scared to death of being labeled a Christian. This is what is so interesting about the pomo movement as well as the entire contemporary music thing… People feel comfortable with it because it’s a parallel universe to their daily reality. In these comfortable churches, concerts, and meetings they can feel like they aren’t at church at all… And their unsaved friends won’t care so much that they are a believer since they aren’t “shoving it down their throats.” But, just like Daffyd… They are scared and full of excuses.

Here’s the deal… We are not the only Christians in our village and when we hide behind that facade, we become a joke. Our insecurity reveals to everyone our lack of faith and our fear of what others think.






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