My week started yesterday fairly normally. I made the
So the rest of my day was spent trying to repair the damage. I got most of it done. Amazingly, Shawna got a lot of her families back on line and I got all of her programs up. But nonetheless, it was a bad day.
On my way home, it got worse. I checked our cell phone bill on my phone. Bear in mind that our contract is for $59.99 a month. Our bill… $175! I was livid. Apparently there were about 3 add-owns we were paying for that were ringing our bill up. Plus, it appears we went over our minutes by a mere 180. Kristen made a 30 minute phone call to a neighbor that cost us like $30. I called Cingular and screamed at them. There is simply no way that a normal person can understand their bill. When I asked why they didn’t contact us to let us know we had been going over so badly in the past few months they told me “Well, we have 50 million customers and you want us to call you? Yeah right.” That sent me over the deep end! In typical Cingular [Understand this is just SBC in sheeps clothing, the worst non-airline company in America.] fashion I could have avoid $90 in overage charges if I bumped our plan up $10 and doubled our minutes. Fantastic customer service. AT&T wireless never did this to me. Ugh.
In other news… the master bedroom is 99% complete. We slept there last night as I finally was able to put up all the moldings. I have literally 2 more small things to do in there and then I am done. Kristen’s design is coming together now… Pretty soon our bedroom will be a Moroccan oasis.
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