Eavesdropping at Big Boy

Today I am working a little at the Romeo Big Boy. I know, that may sound funny… but they offer free wireless and I’ve found recently that I can work better in a busy place than in the solitude of the church. Go figure!

This hardly qualifies as eavesdropping, but I can’t think of a better term. But there was this woman behind me who spoke entirely too loud about her business that she is trying to get going. She was basically talking about how much money she will be making (Note: The forward thinking aspect of it and not the actual profitability now!) and some of her start up expenses… she said "I just spent $3500 getting a website set up and it’s taking about a year." I thought… are you serious? I guess there are a lot of suckers out there!

Why on earth would people start-up a brick and mortar business with all of the start-up costs she was talking about. Just my rough estimate from what she said so loudly… $10,000 so far and she hasn’t even gotten a single client. Wow! She was saying this and I was thinking… there really is a better way to do what you are talking about…






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