it’s just church?

Every once in a while I get reminded of this fact… while church is the most important thing in the world to me since it is my life, it is just church. As I look back to my life before I went into ministry, church wasn’t all-encompassing. So why should I be so bold to think that it will be now? Afterall, being "just around the church" isn’t very healthy or well-rounded.






2 responses to “it’s just church?”

  1. Jonathan Avatar

    Hey man –

    Unpack this one for me more. I’m not gettin’ what you’re getting at 🙂

  2. adam Avatar

    That’s fair enough Jonathon. Here are some unpacking points.

    – General assumption: It’s not healthy to base your entire life on one institution. Church. Marriage. Hobbies. You get the idea.

    – Personal observation: When I do something outside of the institution of church I “feel” the pressure of people in the church, projects of the church, or something I could be doing. For me, I feel this guilt most when I invest my time in the other healthy insitutions of my life. Marriage, family, golf, YMX, grad school, etc. These are all good things and if I am supposed to be good at the church institution, I recognize I need the balance of those other outside institutions in my life.

    Theological observation: Jesus took time away from his ministry to invest his time in other institutions.

    Thus the resulting comments: If I’m working hard to “get a life” in these other institutions, why is it that I can expect people in my ministry to not have a life outside of the church? In fact, I am beginning to see more and more that I have a minority of students who NEED TO GET A LIFE. Why? Because they’ve grown to the point where if they don’t have an outlet for what God is doing in their life… they’ll go to seed prematurely.

    Make sense?

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