Just questions

The recent changes in the church building have led to a number of people asking very good and foundational questions. I love that.

I love it that, by switching from pews to chairs, we’ve got to think about distributing the elements. What is a good way to do this? What is most honoring? Why am I comfortable with this and not that?

I love that, by putting in a different stage, we’ve got to think about our worship times together? How can we stage it in a way that focuses attention on God? How can we exhibit freedom or flexibility? What roll does "comfort" play?

All of these are great things to talk about. No answers just yet… just asking questions.






2 responses to “Just questions”

  1. Stacey Avatar

    Hey adam, can you tell us more about how to go about passing the elements with the new setup? What are the questions, what are the thoughts… Thanks. Enjoy reading your posts.

  2. adam Avatar

    We’re just talking practial application vs. “what we’ve always done.”

    – One thing that has raised some eyebrows is combining the passing of the bread/juice at the same time. We’ve had some complaints in doing this because it’s a lot to juggle… two plates!

    – We’ve also been flirting with some ideas like stations and “non-traditional” methods for our church. Dipping bread, decentralized “pods” for communion, etc.

    – We’ve talked about having people come forward down the aisle to receive communion, but ex-Catholics REALLY don’t like that.

    – And then little things like… with the new chair we won’t have a cup holder for people to put their empty cup. What are we supposed to do with them, hold onto them? What if we do communion at the beginning of the service… then what?

    So by “foundational” we’re not really differing from the standard “zwingli model” of communion so much as we’re re-thinking the best method for our church family to receive communion.

    The conversation is really quite redemptive and pleasurable!

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