Let me first say that I’ve not finished reading the DaVinci Code. I’m about 50% complete as of now.
This book is a page-turner and it is a great story… but I find it hard to believe that there are really people willing to argue that Dan Brown’s book has some sort of great secret in it. I think Time Magazine actually did a good job at looking at some of the backgrounds to Opus Dei and also a great look inside their "secret headquarters." [Read article]
Also interesting and found on the Opus Dei website is this response to the DaVinci Code:
In fact, The Da Vinci Code gets Opus Dei’s nature 180
degrees backwards. Monastic orders are for people who have a vocation
to seek holiness by withdrawing from the secular world; Opus Dei is for
people who have a vocation to live their Christian faith in the middle
of secular society. [Read article]
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