It seems there is a healthy amount of fear about the upcoming release of the DaVinci Code. I have to say this… it’s nearly bursting out of me.
What are we afraid of? I’ve heard some fear-mongering on Christian radio about how damaging this book will be for Christianity. Really? Since when is the Gospel not true? Afterall, the only way the gospel message is damaged is if it is not true.
An open diologue is priceless! Instead of people fearing Dan Brown’s interesting conspiracy, we should be encouraging people to discover the truth for themselves. Afterall, hasn’t gnosticism been dead for a long time? Wasn’t the Nicene Creed written specifically to answer the gnostics?
Isn’t Brown’s interpretation backwards anyway? Didn’t the gnostics argue that Jesus was fully God… and the DaVinci Code is trying to show him as fully human?
I am dumbfounded by fear mongers in the church. We need to look at these not as attacks, but as opportunities. At the end of the day, truth always wins.
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