Learning some lessons

The last few days have been pretty tense in some areas, even amid the celebration of the end of the year.

One of my favorite students of all time (Yes, I have favorites… I mean, that’s just the way life is, eh?) has been learning the hard way how powerful a blog can be. She broke a couple of my rules for blogging and some of her friends gave her the bad-girl slap for it. I think she was just blowing off steam and didn’t expect anyone to read it… or if they did I don’t think that they would care. Well, they cared… and shared… and what was one student’s steam turned into some hurt feelings. Whoops! Now we see why rule #1 is so important.

Rule #1 Don’t ever write something you wouldn’t want your mother to read.
Rule #2 
Opinions are like…. bellybuttons… everyone has one.
Rule #3 Don’t throw gasoline on a fire.
Rule #4
Beware of Trolls, learn to love Lurkers.






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