Comments on comments

I’ve never had this problem to any extreme, but apparently a lot of people are encountering it. The issue that is so troublesome? Anonymous comments to posts.

Here’s how I’ve experienced it. I will write a post, say about my mormonism series or what not. Someone who cares passionately about defending their positions on mormonism or thinks that they are somehow representing all mormons… they will search for keywords all day long just waiting for someone like me to post… than they barely read my post and comment like mad. It’s more annoying than disruptive… but it is annoying.

A former metro Detroit youth guy and current church planter in Ohio, Jonathon Herron, has been seeing a lot of this. These are his thoughts:

If you don’t have the guts to sign your name and stand behind your opinion while engaged in thoughtful conversation, it’s a waste of our time to bother reading it (not to mention a disgrace to America’s forefathers who risked slaughterous executions by British troops for speaking out in favor of freedom of speech precisely because they attached their names/reputations to their opinions!). Read the rest

I’m not certain that I’m ready to turn on comment moderation because I like to keep comments open as an expression of the readers… but if I start getting pounded with them, I suppose I’ll have little choice.






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