I love connecting

I think I learned this little phrase from Jason Raitz, "I love networking with youth workers." I mean, we’re just wired a little differently than the average person. While most people flee working with teenagers there are a group of people who love it. God made us this way and I love getting together with youth workers… it’s hard to explain, but it’s just cool.

I did this last week as I sat down with Andy, a former church member and graduate of our ministry. (It was a long time ago) Nonetheless, it’s great to see kids who grew up through our ministry involved in a ministry of their own. Even more so, it was great to get to know another youth worker.

It’s obvious that he and I disagree on the methodology of ministry but I’m confident that we share the same heart for students and much of the same theology. It was really cool… and I hope that somone I felt was "feeling negative" about me and my ministry… I think he at least understands what we are doing better. I know from my perspective he blew a lot of my expectations out of the water.

Every time I meet a new youth worker (to me that is), I get excited. I’m really excited about what God is doing with him in Lapeer and while I don’t know if we’ll ever be on the same page enough to do something together, I do look forward to hearing more about what God’s doing through him.

It was well worth my time… and of course, Red Knapps is a great lunch any day.






One response to “I love connecting”

  1. Dawn W. Avatar
    Dawn W.

    Yeah- shout out to Andy! It was him, 17 years ago, that led me to the Lord on the back church steps.

    God is so good! He was, is, and always will be at work- using His children!

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