Phew, MainStreet was a Hit

Kidstown_color2_webThere was a lot of pressure felt last night by the staff and the people putting on the first ever MainStreet. MainStreet is our new monthly family worship night where we roll out the KidsTown virtue for the month. It’s a "big production" from the church’s perspective. So, instead of doing big quarterly events plus a week-long VBS style event, we hope to do a monthly "big production."

The cool part of last night was that we didn’t know what to expect at all.
We guessed that about 20-30 people would be there (nearly double actually showed up) and we had planned everything out (20+ moving parts including skits, songs, puppets, a clown, carnival games, snacks, on and on) but were never able to get every single part together for a "dress rehearsal." Amazingly, it went 90% smoothly.

There are a few factors why I would call last night a hit. First, we communicated in many ways the virtue about courage. We involved all sorts of people. Parents actually sat with their kids and experienced the "show" together, honestly this isn’t happening very many places out there… so that was a huge hit. I saw my LF students having a good time. Families hung out and played together and talked to one another for a very long time. I saw new faces talking to members and visa versa… woohoo!

So, I’m encouraged. Not encouraged enough to want to start planning the November MainStreet event today (though we will) but encouraged nonetheless.






2 responses to “Phew, MainStreet was a Hit”

  1. adam Avatar

    I just got an actual count… we estimated 20-30 people would come. There were 112. Fantastic. Not that numbers are “the win” but it does say something.

  2. Autumn Avatar

    last night was so great!

    i loved being in it.

    i cant wait for next month!

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