RSS in Plain English

Flamocon_190hI’ve already established a pattern of letting the world know what a cow-suit wearing dork I am, but I think there are times I have a point of my dorkdom worth sharing to the non-dork blog reading public.

What if I told you that in a typical day I have the ability to read more news, blogs, and other internet stuff than you do in half the time you can? My guess would be that you’d say… "Hey, Adam… I want to do that too!" (You have to say that with your best Matt Foley impersonation)

Well… here is a video I’ve seen posted all over fellow dork blogs and I thought it was worth sharing.

Watch this and increase your cool factor by ten times.

Now that you understand RSS… click on that pretty orange icon and subscribe to my feed on your new reader. (I suggest/use google reader. More reasons to love google reader coming soon.)






5 responses to “RSS in Plain English”

  1. Dennis Avatar

    Hey…thanks for calling me a dork, too, I think. I’m pretty sure you were using it in a good sense. Ha.

  2. adam Avatar

    I’m sorry… you are right, Dr. Dork. 🙂

    There are a few videos out there trying to explain RSS and Web 2.0… I think this one truly captures the simplicity of the changes the web has gone through as everything had “widgetized.”

    Thanks for having a great sense of humor!

  3. adam Avatar

    It took me about 20 minutes to figure out that the firewire feed from the video camera wasn’t feeding audio as well. As soon as I plugged in a cheap mic to the mic input on the computer it worked great. I guess that’s why it was an experiment!

    It’s definitely a tool we’ll be trying again. There is some potential there.

    Thanks for the feedback!

  4. Dennis Avatar

    Yeah, I’ve been frustrated with no audio feed from a firewire port, too. It makes no sense because if you hook a camera to the comp using firewire, you can record vid and sound normally (in Windows Movie Maker at least). I don’t know why you can’t do that in ustream.

  5. adam Avatar

    Maybe “version 2.0” will handle that issue. Because finding a mic in an auditorium or trying to balance a sound board input is just a beast.

    That said, we’ll use it again.

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