Girlfriends Unlimited

Gf_unlimitedI was surfing a website this morning and came across an ad that said "Need Girlfriends?" Since the ad was appearing on a popular Christian site I thought… "Uh, that’s weird enough to click on. That’s out of place!"

Here’s what I found:

Imagine a place where women find friendships, relaxation, and just plain fun.
Okay, now imagine that place being your church!

Girlfriends Unlimited is
a fresh approach to women’s ministry that casts a new vision for
reaching and connecting women — one that is filled with fun and energy.
It adds another dimension to your current women’s ministry program — or
guides you in launching one

I’m not judging this ministry one way or the other. But I’ll document what I see based purely on their website.

  1. A cool marketing idea, but your one click away from just another Group "thing."
  2. This is obviously marketed to women in their 40s. (Graphically)
  3. This is selling a program, not changing a church.
  4. The first thing I thought of when the page opened was "Jesus Junk."

I’m sure it’s a lovely program. And I am sure they’ll have many happy customers. And I am positive this was just too weird for me before some coffee.

I just can’t wait to start seeing their slogan on church signs.






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