Stealth Attack: A book for your reading list

Stealth_attackThis also appeared at YMX but is worth sharing here. It’s also worth noting that the author, Ray Pritchard, was our senior pastor in Chicago at Calvary Memorial. In the 5-6 years that we were there, I went from greatly admiring Ray as a great speaker to greatly respecting him as my pastor.

The ministry of Satan is alive and well in the world today. While great innovations make life more pleasant than ever for some, the armies of God’s adversary continue to make advances in both expected and unexpected ways. The poor are oppressed and forced to endure exposure to disease and endless cycles of despair. The wealthy become even more comfortable and complacent as convenience and purposeful pleasure-seeking force faith further to the hushed corners of their lives. In fact, these are expected, predictable satanic attacks which many of us are keen to spy out. We know Satan attacks our weaknesses. In fact, we have learned to expect that Satan will exploit these weaknesses.

Yet, Satan’s ministry takes on unexpected methods as well. In Stealth Attack, veteran pastor and author Ray Pritchard, outlines what he describes as Satan’s asymmetrical warfare. Making comparisons to the type of warfare the United States and its allies engage in the worldwide war on terror, Pritchard demonstrates how our spiritual adversary attacks us and terrorizes believers. For instance, sometimes believers are attacked at our strengths precisely because our defenses are left unguarded at our strong points while we are concentrating our attention on protecting our weaknesses.

Spiritual warfare is not a well-liked topic in Christian circles. Even in youth ministry there is a resistance to use military terminology and imagery to activate and educate students. For those people, Pritchard’s book will make them uncomfortable. While some complain that Christian leaders would be better suited to emphasize a message of love and hope, Pritchard expresses the exact opposite opinion in his matter of fact and practical style. He expresses that while we may feel inclined to soften the message of Christ to become more palatable to a global, post-modern society, the truth is that Satan rages literal war against us. In the end, we can call it what we like, yet Satan is waging war.

Pritchard’s question is never, "Are believers at war with Satan?" He presupposes such a war because the Bible makes it clear that Satan and God have been raging war for ages past and will continue until the return of Christ. Pritchard’s focus is to help us recognize the asymmetrical attacks Satan levies as well as provide practical, Biblical advice for fighting the true enemy of every believer.

Stealth Attack isn’t written as a theological text to be studied by seminarians or purely as a resource for pastors and youth workers. Instead, it’s aimed at everyone. It covers the practical implications of spiritual warfare. It’s even suitable for small groups and Bible study groups for high school ages and up.

How’s this for a shameless plug? Buy it now!






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