Why I blog.

Chris Brooks asked the question, "Why do you blog?" Here was the comment I left:

I blog for a few reasons. First and foremost since about 7th grade I’ve journaled. I remember by 7th grade reading teacher telling the class "if you want to be a good writer, you need to keep a journal to practice." That same year I wrote a book review that got published in my hometown newspaper and I thought… Hmmm, I like that. So I kept journaling in notebooks all the way through middle and high school.

In 1999 I started my first blog. I liked that people read what I wrote… and I quickly got tired of it. But the seed had been planted and a couple years later I tried again.

My current blog is version 4.0. I’ve changed the "why" of it often but the original reason still stands. I want to be a good writer, so I journal. To me, if other people read it… that’s OK, but the audience is really myself.

Sometimes I get the question, "How do you find time to blog?" I have two responses to this…
a. I type really fast. So a thought that I’ve had in my brain doesn’t take long to type.
b. If I don’t record thoughts… the good ones, the bad ones, and the boring ones… I won’t remember them.

Blogging is more than just an outlet for me. It’s all part of the writing/speaking process to me. Just like I wouldn’t stop reading the Bible, I wouldn’t stop journaling.

For those who don’t blog but read blogs, why do you do that?

For those who blog, why do you blog?






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