Marketing the church

My friend Patti started a discussion over at the YMX forums about church marketing. (Not getting marketed to at the church by companies, but churches marketing to their communities.)

Here are some questions that have come up that are worth wrestling with:

  • What are the boundaries for a good marketing campaign? Is this too far?
  • Is your church marketing aimed at believers looking for a new church or non-believers uninteresting church?
  • Should every marketing piece feature the churches name?
  • Is marketing the church biblical? If so, how do you justify it? If not, how do you justify it?
  • How do you justify spending money on marketing at the expense of other ministries of the church? From what account?
  • Should you depend solely on word of mouth from your people?
  • How do you measure the effectiveness of any church marketing campaign? (Obviously if you spend $50,0000… you aren’t likely to get $50,000 return.)






2 responses to “Marketing the church”

  1. Patrick Roberts Avatar

    There are a lot of ways to “market” church these days… i think about this often. It is relevant to think about “spiritual marketing” when you’re talking to Americans especially. The tough part is maintaining a God-dependent, Christ-surrendered, Spirit-led mindset. nice color coding btw

  2. Patrick Roberts Avatar

    There are a lot of ways to “market” church these days… i think about this often. It is relevant to think about “spiritual marketing” when you’re talking to Americans especially. The tough part is maintaining a God-dependent, Christ-surrendered, Spirit-led mindset. nice color coding btw

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