6 Free Ways to Generate Web Traffic to Your Blog, Money-Back Guaranteed

Here are 6 basic tips that will help you build traffic for your blog. These 6 things are simple to do and generate plenty of traffic for me. Best part, they don’t you a dime.

  1. Post regularly. (1-2 times per day seems to be a good pace)
  2. Post comments on other blogs you read; if you refer to a blog consider posting a trackback
  3. Tag your posts into categories and ping Technorati
  4. Join a referral service like BlogRush.
  5. Link your blog to your Facebook
  6. Put a link to your blog in your email signature

Depending on the feedback I get from this post, I may give 4-5 next step secrets for unlocking the power of the web to drive traffic to your blog or website.






4 responses to “6 Free Ways to Generate Web Traffic to Your Blog, Money-Back Guaranteed”

  1. Bobby Williams Avatar

    Good info!

  2. Gman Avatar

    Maybe you should tell us the other 4-5 steps ..I like secrets!

  3. Tim Avatar

    Check this out about BlogRush. Interesting.

  4. adam Avatar

    Yeah… the hand has been on the plug for that thing since I installed it. Not only has it not worked… it’s a very old scheme.

    Remember blog explosion? It’s the same thing.

    The thing is… if all you are after is pageviews… it’ll work for that. But it’s never a quality pageview.

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