Google Docs launches Presentation

First off, I love the word "Launch." All products/services/and ministries should launch.

The folks at Google have gone and done it again… they have created something so cool and forward-looking that the average web-user will not even notice or think that they need until that one day they see it in action. This time they’ve launched a product called "Presentation."

That’s right boys and girls. They have mastered the collaborative document, spreadsheet, and calendar… now they are looking to master collaborative presentations.

The new collaboration features will allow several users to view and edit a
document at the same time, tracking changes and alerting other users in real
time when someone is making a change.

Multiple users can also view a set of slides while a moderator controls the
presentation, and work on or present presentations through Google’s email, chat
and calendar applications all from within Google Docs.

I will readily admit to being addicted to Google docs. For YMX it is perfect. We have authors all around the country submit articles, reviews, and other stuff… and all of it goes on Google docs. Why? For Amy Sondova, our managing editor, Google docs solved some major headaches! It’s a single platform and we can invite collaborators to edit an article and finalize it before it goes live on the site. Then once they are ready I literally can cut/paste the text into the site and publish a document in 5 minutes. As little as 12 months ago an article took 45-60 minutes to publish and now I do it in 5 minutes.

What use will this have for youth workers?

First off, it’s a price that 100% of youth workers can afford. Free. Secondly, as long as you have an internet connection where you are doing your presentation… you can do a presentation without any software. Simply drag the presentation browser to the display screen and your good to go. Third, this is perfect for meetings that exist in multiple venues and various times. I don’t know how often this is happening just yet… but there are a lot of different meetings and such I can see happening this way. Simply publish the presentation and your done. Same goes for sharing your stuff with parents, just publish and send the link out… you look like a pro. Lastly, this is the perfect tool for teams. I know most youth workers think of themselves as Lone Rangers… but for the rest of us, we work together. This is a tool that allows that to happen instantly and free.

What uses can you think of for Google docs, and especially presentation?

HT to Patti Gibbons






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