Newsvine is dead, you stink!

NewsvineI will admit that I enjoyed my initial experiences with Newsvine. It was a fun social/news bookmarking site for a while.

To me, it is representative of all that is bad about a social network…

  • The interface is the same today as it was when I joined. Lame!
  • The community is extremely catty about what gets posted.
  • Their "popularity" reward system was as lame as they come. There were people (like me) who had posted tons of news stories and was never escalated. But there were others who just had 1-2 things posted, made a couple comments, and earned all their little stripes.

I suppose this proves hos finicky a web-user can be. 6-9 months ago I loved the site and liked getting email reminders the second things posted in my categories I’ve tagged. Today, I deleted my account when I realized that I hadn’t logged in in 4-5 months. Best part is, no one noticed or cared.

I’m waiting for my form letter.






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