Here are two articles I am cooking up that are due next week.
- Yesterday I did a phone interview with Erwin McManus. I’m writing two pieces out of the interview. One is a review of his Crave DVD for small groups and the main piece is going to be about his creative process. If you aren’t familiar with McManus, check out the links. He’s the lead pastor at one of the most innovative and create church communities on the planet, Mosaic.
- Next week I am turning in an article to Simply Youth Ministry about coordinating teaching messages across ministries in a church. This will be my second article over at SYM, check out my first one, "Left for Dead by the Church."
Sometimes, writing comes naturally to me. I can sit down and pound out a lesson or article (or even a policy!) in a couple of hours. As a matter of fact, in the right mood I can write several different articles simultaneously and it all comes rather easy. I can’t explain it, it just flows out of me and I try to capture all the ideas as fast as I can.
That’s not how I’m feeling right now. I know I’ll get stuff done and I know it’ll be good. But the process is a lot different between "high writing" moods and "normal" writing modes.
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