Secure Homepage: I’d pay money to use it

igoogleI love iGoogle. It is a homepage that is extremely functional for me as I use it to manage everything from my work tasks to my blog feeds to my Jon Stewart quotes.

And yet it lacks the one thing I really want. I am left dreaming of a homepage that offers these things, plus some more things that I look at all the time. I would love to have more powerful Google homepage. In fact, if another company could develop what I am looking for I’d actually switch my homepage to another service.

I want a homepage that offers both my typical stuff I have today and secure information. I want to go to my homepage and see my bank account balance, IRA portfolio, AdSense earnings, status of my orders, my PayPal balance, and just about anything else I want to turn into a widget.  And I expect it to be secure.

I’m a big boy. I can handle the power. Would someone please develop this?





One response to “Secure Homepage: I’d pay money to use it”

  1. Brian Eberly Avatar

    I’ll get right on that bro.! 🙂

    Looks like you use the same theme as I do on your iGoogle page!

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