Brick and mortar vs. Digital media

barnes & nobleTonight Kristen and I spent an hour walking around our local Barnes & Noble. Each time I go there I have a recurring vision for what I am supposed to do with my life.

I’m a messenger.

I believe God has placed me on this planet to convey a message. And the most important part about being a messenger is that you need your message to be heard.

What’s that got to do with the bookstore? 

Imagine all the very important messages stuck in books you will never read? People walking around a bookstore pick up books for random reasons. The jacket design. A catchy title. Because the worker turned it out instead of in. Because someone picked it as something interesting to read.

The point is, with 50,000 titles at the local bookstore… if you’re life’s mission were to convey a message… a bookstore sucks as a place to spread it.

In my case, that translates into “find a better method to spread your message.



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