Part of our integration into San Diego life has been the addition of two staples into our diet. It seems like all of the best foods are either cooked with or come with a side of avocado and/or lime. Once novelties, these are pretty normal on our plates.
Also part of our normal diet these days, which typically requires both ingredients mentioned above, the fish taco.
The first time I heard the phrase “fish taco” came on my first trip to Southern California. It sounded gross. Almost repulsive to think of fish in a taco. But I have to tell you that if you tuck a slice of avocado in there and squeeze a lime over the top it’s pretty good.
I would hazard to guess that just about every restaurant in San Diego has both items in their kitchen. Sure, it might not be on the menu, but I guarantee you that they are used for staff meals almost every day.
Why are the lime and avocado such a big deal? I don’t know exactly. I love both ingredients. I think it has something to do with it being so cheap though. A recent trip to the grocery store scored us some avocados at $.25 each and limes for $.20 each.
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