
I define a leader as a person who takes others where they would otherwise not be willing to go.

In my view, this is why some leaders do great things for God and why others just talk about leading but never actually see something materialize.

To lead others to where they would otherwise not be willing to go… it starts with your example. You have to be willing to go where they won’t go yourself.

This is the question I ask myself all the time: Am I trying to get people somewhere I am unwilling to go?

It’s not just Missourians who live in The Show-Me State.





2 responses to “Example”

  1. Jeff Goins Avatar

    love this definition of a leader.

  2. tash Avatar

    hit this up with MLK or whoever it was that said – a leader is a shaper of consensus and you have a winner. i’m gen X/Y and I crave egalitarian leadership but I also recognize the need to just create some movement within people .. not always efficient to use an egalitarian method!

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