Teaching Principles vs. Trends

Today finds me at WordCampLA. WCLA is a one-day conference for WordPress users, developers, and fans.

Last night I had a great time getting to know some of the speakers and sponsors of the event. If anything, it was a reminder of just how far WordPress/blogging/small business development has gone in the past 5 years. When I first did some meet-ups with WordPress users in the Detroit area it was dominated by amateur bloggers and novice developers (more like modders) who would gather to talk about very basic stuff. Last night, I sat at a dinner table with serious developers, designers, and highly honed entrepreneurs.

Over and over again I was asked what my talk is about. (Since I’m new to the WordCamp circuit.) My talk is called, “” Typically, when I bring up this topic people will say things like, “Oh, so you tell people what’s hot and what the trends are?” No, actually I teach the opposite of that. Fads fade. Trends change. Tools age. Instead of teaching trendy things that come and go I try to give people a philosophical framework of principles to build and sustain a presence. That way, when something trendy like Google+ or Klout or the next SEM/Affiliate marketing scheme pops up, you know how to frame the trend instead of the trend framing you.

If you want to be a part of this workshop, I am presenting it next at NYWC.

Which is more important in your communication? Principles or trends? 





2 responses to “Teaching Principles vs. Trends”

  1. Matt Cleaver Avatar

    Will this be recorded or will you post an outline or summary of it?

    1. adam mclane Avatar

      Here are the slides:

      I think WordPress.tv publishes the videos at some point. It’s brand new content, so I won’t publish the notes. 🙂 I’d like to use it 8-10 more times first!

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