It’s crazy to think that I’m in year 11 of this blog. (Just passed 4500 posts!) After a few years of life on a plateau– statistically speaking that is– 2013 and 2014 saw massive growth in the readership.
And with that growth came a couple growing pains.
- With thousands more eyeballs per day, I’ve felt pressure to publish less. I don’t know why… in some ways that’s counter-intuitive. But I think it’s a natural sphincter-ing that happens when you realize that what I’m writing, usually over a cup of coffee as I start my day, might get read by more people than the local newspaper by the time I sip a cup of tea at 8 PM before bed.
- With the growth, out came the trolls and haters and thieves. I’m 100% human and 120% fallible. So with the increased readership also came mean things that were said to me, about me, done to me, etc. I’m not crying foul… I’ve learned to deal with it. But this has been a growing pain.
- With the growth of work for the Cartel, so have come pressures I never saw coming. It’s more than time… it also means that I’m out representing the Cartel as I speak and write, meaning I’ve actually had less time then ever to write for my own blog. And that’s eaten my soul a little. I really need this outlet more than I think anyone can understand.
- I spent a lot more time on the road in 2013 – 2014 as a result of this blog than I could possible understand. On the one hand, I absolutely love going on the vision trips I’ve been on, speaking in schools and churches… truly love it… but I’ve also had a hard time writing consistently while I travel. Truth be told, if I’m going to be stuck in an aluminum tub for 5 hours flying across the country, it’s hard for a dude of my shape to write… it’s much easier to watch a movie on my iPad, enjoy an adult beverage, and maybe read a little.
Three Important Changes
- Starting last week I’ve started using a little framework for my writing, both to keep myself within some boundaries and to help readers better understand what I’m trying to do. (Long story short, less random.) This is for both of our benefits… I have TONS more to say and write on more topics, in 2015 I’m hoping to find more appropriate homes for that content on other blogs, magazines, etc. Here’s what it looks like:
- Motivation Monday – something that is about getting off your butt and doing something. could be helpful, could be tips, could be a quote, inspirational story, etc
- Tech Tuesday – social media, tips, did you knows, learn something techy.
- W is for Weird – Weird. What more needs to be said? Just something random and/or fun.
- Throwback Thursday – A look back at something, anything really. Could be a picture or video or memory or whatever I think I want to look back on.
- Friday is for Friends – Guest posts, interviews, guest reviews, product plugs, deals, etc.
- Even more ways to subscribe!
- RSS used to be a big deal… I used to thousands of RSS subscribers. But it’s clear people are using RSS less than ever. Just know I’m not turning RSS off, but as of right now I’m not doing anything to make RSS better.
- Email subscriptions are growing. You can sign-up for my email list and get every blog post delivered right to your inbox. In 2015 I plan on dropping a few “special” things in there that only email folks get. Deals on stuff, early notice on things, reader surveys, you get it.
- Push notifications for Safari users. Starting last week I added a way for Apple users on the Safari browser to get notified of new posts. If you’re on Safari, just agree to it and you’ll get that… it’s super cool.
- Hang out with me! In all seriousness, I love to hear from folks who read the blog, to put a face to a name from comments, etc. But there are also specific things that I do that you can join in on and be part of the blog somehow.
- Go to Haiti with me in April. If you’re a ministry leader, it’s totally free and we’ll get to hang out and hear about stuff that I’m passionate about.
- Come to Open Boston or Open Grand Rapids. These are events, all about youth ministry, and they are ridiculously cheap at just $25 per person.
So that’s the scoop. Thanks for reading my little update.
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