MLK: Change the System

Tense Moment
In this photograph, Coretta is upset with her husband, who had been attacked the night before by a disturbed white racist but had not defended himself. Though the police urged King to press charges, he refused. “The system we live under creates people such as this youth,” he said. “I’m not interested in pressing charges. I’m interested in changing the kind of system that produces such men.”

View the rest of this photo essay, Rare Photos of Martin Luther King Jr. at Home


What are forms of race-based violence occurring in your community today? What are steps you can take to change the system which “creates people such as this youth”?






3 responses to “MLK: Change the System”

  1. KJ Avatar

    There is no perfect system…and while they may contribute, “systems” don’t create or solve as many of societies ills as we give them credit for. I believe the youth in this example was created more by unintelligent, bigoted, people (probably those closest to him) than the system he grew up in. Individuals can contribute to the well being of others or work to destroy it….Regardless of the system in which they find themselves.

    MLK, and other men and women like him, have helped correct the gaping parts of our system that were/are broken…but the people within the system hold the true power for change.

    A great man, MLK!

  2. KJ Avatar

    Oops, realized I never answered your question. The first step I would take toward changing the system would be to go after the hearts of people.

  3. Lauren Christian Avatar

    By modelling the kind of change we want to see in our students 🙂

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